Monday, July 6, 2009

The “i-tunes of education” concept for content partnerships: teaming up with textbook publishers to provide users with quality content

Many of you are using phase-6 to custom-create your own digital flashcards / question-answer pairs.
A pretty recent development that was actually spurred by our German users is the online content shop where ready-made flashcard sets (aka “content modules”) can be downloaded that match frequently used textbooks. Because students, parents and educators had contacted publishers, it was actually publishers themselves that approached us to inquire about ways we could team up and offer their content in our tool. The “i-tunes of education” concept was born - phase-6 being the engine/delivery platform for high quality educational content that previously was mainly available in print.
Check out the “publisher carousel” on our German homepage for existing partnerships in the European market. As of June 2009, we’ve got the following ones on board: Diesterweg Verlag, Klett Verlag, Cornelsen Verlag, Langenscheid Verlag, Springer Verlag, C.C.Buchner Verlag, Mentor Verlag, and Martin’s Little Helper.
My co-workers in Switzerland and Germany just let me know that they are in touch with further publishers that intend to join forces with us as well, so it’s worth checking back for up-to-date information.

Much more recently we’ve also been entering into conversations with U.S. publishers.
Are you or is someone you care about in Middle School and interested in boosting vocabulary knowledge? If so, how about taking a look at the new digital flashcard sets for Evan-Moor's Grade 5 and 6+ textbooks "Daily Academic Vocabulary" and "A Word A Day"?

Check them out and let us know what you think via email to We're looking forward to hearing your opinion